SOLD "Lenny"- Black Male - 7 wks old 7.8# > mc 9547. Woo Hoo! I will get to be ruled or rule them...WLS > Ottawa, Ontario Cananda
...remember start at the bottom and work upward as they grow up on the page...
Angel (Zeddy x Bruno daughter) and Daniel - Puppies born January 12, 2017, fly out date set for Thursday March 9th, mark your calendar!
Read your checklist and mark off with the above dates as we move forward together :0)
Tracking Angel's winter litter 2017 stats:
New Owners
1. 3/7/16 paid M - Royal BL "Pete" - EL > Lawrence, KS
2. 11/16/16 paid M - Royal BL "Edgar" - KH > Mound, MN
3. 1/18/17 paid F - Brown - MJS > Rockford, IL
4. 2/10/17 paid M - Black/Red Phantom"Franklin" - ML > West Fargo, ND
5. 2/25/17 paid F - brown phantom - RB > MN
6. 3/4/17 paid M - Black "Lenny" - WLS > Ottawa, Ontario
We're the 2 Females
SOLD "Luna"- Brown Female - 7 wks old 9.0# > mc 8066. I will give you love that's out of this world, MJS > Rockford, IL.
SOLD "Hattie"- Brown Phantom Female - 7 wks old 10.4# > mc 0184. I am such a sweet girl RB - MN is bringing me home :o)) Hats off to you!
We're the Males
SOLD "Franklin"- Black Phantom Male - 7 wks old 11.8# > mc 9324. ML - West Fargo, ND - they picked me! Can hardly wait to fly into your arms :o)
SOLD "Edgar"- Black Male - 7 wks old 11.4# > mc 8501. Going home to KH > Mound, MN. Let the magic begin!
SOLD "Pete"- Black Male - 7 wks old 11.8 > mc 8540. Going home to EL > Lawrence, KS...I'll beary you with love ;o)
Playing in the fresh much fun!
nap time...zzz...ZZZ...zzz
Look how cute I am
How many puppies can fit on her lap? :0)
We love our pet beds, so soft and comfortable!
Puppy love
Is it my turn yet? :0)
After so much fun outside it is time for a nap....zzz...ZZZ...zzz
Exploring our park :0)
Lets play!
You may have found a stick but I found a Leaf!
Here Dani let me bring it to you...
Look at this big stick I found!
Puppy Play
Where to next....
Attack Dani's boot!
In the above pictures we are 6 weeks going on 7. We love to explore outside and it has been nice enough outside for us to do so. Momma Angel is starting to ween us now, so we are ready for our new homes!
Pet beds and crates have been added to get smells. We love our pet beds!
Puppy kiss :0)
What a face......
Play time!
I see Momma Angel eating out of here, I had better check it out!
We are always playing with each other..
Woo Hoo Dani's boot let me attack it!
Lunch time....Dani We are waiting....
Oops its a puddle....brrr....that is some cold water!
Following Dani around in the park....Hey wait for us!
We love to walk around in the snow, always smelling...
Circle of Life slurry food is ending. Dani softens that dry dog food with water, adding canned dog food and buttermilk with it will be our transition to eating the all dry Vets Choice Health Extension organic dog food or Grain Free Life's Abundance she feeds the adults. Her seminars with vets and professors share to feed "Adult dog food" Not puppy, remember that when you buy our food please :o)
Dani is taking us outside now so we can learn to "potty outside". We are enjoying the nice 30 degree weather! :0)
The above pictures we are 4 weeks going on 5 weeks old
Time to explore our space some more....come on guys!
Ahh what a great nap :0)
We have now been moved to the family room (heated garage). We have so much more space to explore.
There is the 4 paws up. Black phantom male and brown phantom female.
We will call this one 2 butts and a head :0)
We are learning to climb on momma Angel....:0)
We love you momma Angel
We still like to cuddle with Momma Angels paws.
Tickle Tickle....
For some odd reason Dani has noticed that the 2 phantoms are always cuddling together.....strange :0)
Dani climbs in with us so we can smell her and climb on this a foot I smell?
Solid brown Female and A black Male
Dani is starting to slowly dropping the temps as we begin to create our own. Adding space as we learn to instinctively move around, eyes soon to open during our 2 wks of growing. Momma's doing great!
Lots of socializing going on!
We're growing huge into our 2nd and 3rd'll see a variety of size ...enjoy enjoy...
So these are our 1 wk pictures for you to enjoy, the 1 wk through the woods of Mother Nature...stay tuned as we take pictures during the next two weeks for the 3 week picture updates for your enjoyment 2/2/17.
As Dani was clipping our toe nails she noticed something unique on one of the black male's paw. If you look close in the picture, the far left, two toes are grown together making one toe with 2 toenails...NOW, even more unique is the fact the normal digits for any canine is 5. The due claw has been removed of course, and that would've made 6 digits/toes for this male. Very similar to when kids are born with the toes connected. There are no health complications, "I just have one really big toe now...with two toenails! It'll certainly give me foot power to balance with ;0) Interesting my vet didn't catch that one!" Mother Nature for you!! This is a first for Tes & Dani...
Brown female phantom, Dani is really excited to see the color as I grow!!
Here is a picture of the male black phantoms face.
Come on Dani no more pictures I am trying to sleep :0)
We love you Momma Angel!
Hey, where's the milk! :0)
Nummy milk, momma Angel has plenty for us!
Happy happy!
I am the male black phantom
we zzz....ZZZ...zzz where we drop!
You can see we're looking gooood ;o) Smell is the first sense we have so we can find mommy's teets to nurse from...Big tummies getting filled with goood milk :o))) zzzz afterwards...and a snuggle always works for warmth...
LOOK! We're starting to scoot around as we get strength under our weight. This is why Tes/Dani sleeps little some nights...we climb up and fall behind momma crying to get out!!! HELP - WAKE UP TES/DANI!!!
Why is there no milk coming out....:0) We are the only two phantoms, female brown/red on left, male black/red on right.
MMMMmmmm, what we do best as we grow...NUMMY...Zzzz! We're a VERY COLORFUL bunch ;o) The wool blankets gives our toenails something to grip and allows us to push into nursing :o)
Our tails are docked and due claws done now. Tes/Dani waits until we're doing well with some ounces gained...usually 2-3 days old they get done. Our bones start to get harder each hour and day that goes by...when done early there is VERY little pain initially...each day that goes by, Tes can tell with the different litters at different days as we cry more at 3 days then those at 2 days...1 day is done if of good weight and it's just the way it has to be to get into a placement at the vet's.
Mommy Angel, aren't you loving :o)) Licking us all the time to go to the bathroom as we can't do it on our own for awhile. Licking stimulates us to go until we get old enough to control ourselves. UMPHH!
It's an arm thing...we all like to crawl up on the arms for snuggling.
At 2 days old I'm still curling in the fetal position staying warm in the temperature controlled room 78-80 degrees and heating pad underneath to keep me comfortable. We are not able to regulate our body temperature yet. The humidity must be kept around 55-60 percent so our skin doesn't dry out, as that isn't developed either.
Momma Angel helps keep us warm, can you see me? I am hiding :0).
Above, puppies are 1 day old. Angel is tired yet loving her pups. We all 6 came from her tummy just yesterday!!! We're excited to come home to you :o) Ahhh, yes, snuggle, cuddle, look at us little tubbies at just a day old...
Angel had 6 puppies! Woo Hoo!!! Born 1/12/17 Below they are JUST arriving where I took their first picture to send off to you :o)