A x D Royal Standard Poodles 2016 Summer

FOR SALE - 1 BL Female left 

FOR SALE  "Ruby"- All Black Female - 7 wks old 8.4# > mc 7021


A x D Royal Standard Poodles 2016 Summer litter is here! Angel x Daniel have done it! The fabulous colored phantom litter really threw me for a loop, in a VERY HAPPY way :o) 4 Males and 4 Females 

Enjoy, Enjoy the pictures here :o)

 Brown Angel x Red Daniel 

1 Black Female FOR SALE

8. ____ FOR SALE Standard Black Female (estimated 55#)


1.  2/27/15 Paid M "Hannibal" (click to read abouto Warrior Hannibal) - Royal Phantom - CW > Richmond, TX

2. 6/6/16 PAID F - Brown Phantom "Lena" - JT > Grand Forks, ND

3.  6/30/16 PAID M - Royal Phantom "Chappy" - LL > Minot, SD

4. 7/7/16 PAID M - Royal Phantom - JW > Sharon, MA

5. 8/9/16 PAID M - Royal Brown "Zippy" - PK > Crescent, PA

6.  8/9/16 PAID F - Royal Brown Phantom "Lexi" - PK > Crescent, PA

7. 8/12/16 PAID F - BL Phantom "Gypsy" - MA > Fergus Falls, MN



...remember start at the bottom and work upward...

Angel (Zeddy x Bruno daughter) and Daniel - Puppies born June 28, 2016, fly out date set for Wednesday August 24th, mark your calendar! Her first litter produced MOSTLY Phantom pups :o) Picture update > 7 wks 8/16/16.

Read your checklist and mark off with the above dates as we move forward together :0)

Tracking Angel's Summer/Fall litter 2016 stats:

  • 8/24/16 Puppies sold went to their new homes :o)
  • 8/9/16 - 6 wk old deworming with pyrantel
  • 8/1/16 first bath, nails clipped
  • 7/26/16 - 4 wk old deworming with pyrantel
  • 7/17/16 toenails clipped
  • 7/12/16 - 2 wk old first deworming with pyrantel
  • 7/5/16 toenails clipped
  • 6/30/16 Tails docked 1/3 from tip per AKC protocol, due claws removed
  • DOB 6/28/16

We're the 3 SOLD Females

SOLD "Gypsy"- Black Phantom - 7 wks old 8.2# > mc 6638...going home to MA > Fergus Falls, MN


SOLD "Lexi"- Brown/Black Phantom - 7 wks old 9.4# > mc 6319...going home to PK > Crescent, PA (purchased brother & sister)


SOLD "Lena"- Brown Phantom - 7 wks old 8.6# > mc 1002...going home to JT > Grand Forks, ND 

We're the 4 SOLD Boys

SOLD "Zippy"- Solid Brown Male - 7 wks old 10.2# > mc 7333...going home to PK > Crescent, PA (purchased brother & sister)


SOLD "Parrot" - Brown Phantom - 7 wks old 7.8# > mc 8061 - JW > Sharon, MA

SOLD "Chappy"- Brown Phantom - 7 wks old 11.4# > mc 1414 - LL > Minot, SD


SOLD "Hannibal" (click to read abouto Warrior Hannibal) - Phantom - 7 wks old 12.2# > mc 1801 - CW > Richmond, TX


Growing Rocks Story

Tes will place this story onto the "Fun page"

Let's plant another one here!!!!!


We're watching it grow!!!!

Plant the rock Tes!!!


That looks like a nice size hole to plant one!!

Here, this seems like a great place to grow a rock...dig, dig, DIG!

Growing Rocks Story


A good snooze will give me energy to play with everyone again :o) Uh huh, uh huh ;o)

Playmates sure keep us entertained.


Play, play, play with me :o)))

Pet beds are sure cozy...did you get one for me?


Gotcha back!!

It's play time, whenever we wake, GOTCHA ;o)


Tes peels off the top pet bed to wash, and reveals another to enjoy :o)

It's a puppy pet bed pile!


Momma Angel's butt is a nice pillow :o)

No, over here!!! GET IT :o)) Woo Hoo!


Hey, OVER HERE! Get IT!! The rain sure makes it dirty.

Hey, Tes is mopping the pool! Get in there - GET IT!! Sure keeps us cooled down in this hot weather.


It's a 4 legs up shot...zzzz...

Going on 6 and 7 wks old in the above pictures, here it's a sleep over with Niki and Ange's pups ;o)

Toys are introduced to us, but be sure you get the good ones that are not dangerous to us! Click here to read more about toys!

LOL - As we sleep Tes decides to cut our butt hair.  This helps so that poop doesn't get stuck back there. It also helps so we can see if anal glands need to be expressed, but it doesn't hurt to check them anyways. We also like to clip excess hair growing on our genitals, it can get kind of stinky with all of our "pottying outside"  See look how nice and clean that is.......Uh oh whose going next (I know, just what you wanted to know, yet want you to remember in the future to have anal glands checked ;0).

We are always smelling new things, hmmmm what is this?


Got your nose! A wide variety of sizes we turned out to be :o)

I'm going to get your ear!


Circle of Life slurry food is ending. Tes softens that dry dog food with water, adding canned dog food and buttermilk with it will be our transition to eating the all dry Vets Choice Health Extension organic dog food she feeds the adults. Her seminars with vets and professors share to feed "Adult dog food" Not puppy, remember that when you buy our food please :o)

Momma Angel isn't paying attention.....I don't think those are all her babies :0) Angel has been ONE FANTASTIC MOM!! She's loving to ALL the puppies as we go out to eat, potty, and play :o)


It was a lot of work going up those steps, I'll take a snooze here before going through the doggy door...we're figuring these all out on our own!

We are now going outside and learning "Potty Outside".  It is so nice outside and we get to play with Niki's puppies too!

The crates are now being used and we love to snuggle in them, they will be full of our smells to help comfort us in flying to you!


look 4 paws up!

And then again sometimes we get so tired we nap where we fall!


We like to cuddle together when it is nap time, don't we look so cute :0)

Tes has moved us out to the heated garage, we are very curious but after checking everything out we like to zzzzzz :0)


Dani brought her kids in to socialize with us, I'm gonna get your nose!! Clean blankets are laid down for the kids :o)

I want more Slurry!!!


Here's our "Circle of Life" Tes calls it :o)) Yeah, those are Niki's pups joining us...here you can see the size differences.

We're now turning 3 wks old, it's time to learn to eat our first food. This is called slurry, a blend of baby rice cereal, buttermilk and Royal Canin Mousse all mixed up. Tes is giving our first spoon fulls...weeee, Tes sure gets messy yummy all over ;o)


See - Our eyes are opening, our legs are strengthening, and we're definitely making music now as we find our voice when momma isn't here to feed us ;o)

Ahhh, giving momma Angel a break ;o)) 



My eyes, they're getting there ;o)


See, I'm the black female, on the paper trying to poo poo without momma...I can do this!!! And she did ;o)

LOOK - Our legs are definitely getting beneath us as they grow stronger and stronger!! Onto the paper I want to potty...but don't make it much yet so Tes washes blankets daily.


Hi, Tes rubs our ears and we go into a yawn...it's amazing...but it's hard for her to catch with one hand/one person ;o)

4 legs up time...this is showing Tes she can turn the heat down again as we're staying good and warm...zzzzzzzz....

Here's my mug, and REALLY trying to get my HUGE body above these legs!!!

AHHHhhhh, I'm a Brown and red phantom...Tes, what's next in life!


Here you'll see our eyes squeaking open while Tes tries to show some of our face colorings :o) AND, it's time for her to climb in with us and start to socialize us...getting us use to new smells, sounds are starting to develop so she turns on the dvd movies while she works with the older spoos around us, introducing new smells and all that of life :o)

LOOK! I see you  now!!! and we instinctively want to go off the blanket now so Tes has placed newspaper down for us to learn on. I'm the brown male...momma's still licking us to go potty, here she's waiting for it to drop... 

I'm the black/brown phantom male growing to be a giant! My sister is as big as the others, and going to be one giant female!!


Tes has moved us into the nursery, from out of her 80 degree bedroom, slowly dropping the temps as we begin to create our own. Adding space as we learn to instinctively move around, eyes soon to open during our 2 wks of growing. Momma's doing great!

Above the Brown Male.


Below the black/red phantom female...

We're growing huge into our 2nd and 3rd week...you'll see a variety of size between the small black female to giant Phantom male...enjoy enjoy...

Above is the 1 brown male and 1 black female.


Below we have the 3 Phantom boys

Where does the Phantom markings come from?



3. Below: One black female Phantom with red markings.

2. Above: There are three pups, 2 males and 1 female that are brown with red Phantom markings


1. Below: There are two pups, male and female that have the black and brown with red Phantom markings. VERY UNIQUE!! These two are the LARGEST in the litter!

The above pics will try to capture the Phantom color markings for you...


Solid black female below...

The one solid brown male...


Tes keeps saying how we look like little tubbies ;o) This is the little black male female Phantom who was small, yet definitely gaining and getting a tubby tummy...she'll still be a big standard poodle compared to "standards" :o) Just small to the regular standard. I'm a black/brown female/male Phantom next to her. There's two of us with black/brown - We're HUGE promising giant size!

You can see we're looking gooood ;o) Smell is the first sense we have so we can find mommy's teets to nurse from...Big tummies getting filled with goood milk :o))) zzzz afterwards...and a snuggle always works for warmth...


LOOK! We're starting to scoot around as we get strength under our weight. This is why Tes sleeps little some nights...we climb up and fall behind momma crying to get out!!! HELP - WAKE UP TES!!!

MMMMmmmm, what we do best as we grow...NUMMY...Zzzz! We're a VERY COLORFUL bunch ;o) The wool blankets gives our toenails something to grip and allows us to push into nursing :o)

Our tails are docked and due claws done now. Tes waits until we're doing well with some ounces gained...usually 2-3 days old they get done. Our bones start to get harder each hour and day that goes by...when done early there is VERY little pain initially...each day that goes by, Tes can tell with the different litters at different days as we cry more at 3 days then those at 2 days...1 day is done if of good weight and it's just the way it has to be to get into a placement at the vet's.


Mommy Angel is doing well, taking care of us so lovingly. Tes uses colorful wool blankets to absorb moisture over the coming weeks. It wicks moisture away, yet keeps us warm...and a colorful viewing hopefully for you ;o)

Mommy Angel, aren't you loving :o)) Licking us all the time to go to the bathroom as we can't do it on our own for awhile. Licking stimulates us to go until we get old enough to control ourselves. UMPHH!


A 4 legs up picture :0) I'm a black Phantom female...don't I have a VERY interesting nose coloring? Look at how cute we are so little...sorry you have to miss out on this part, yet we hope the pictures help you enjoy us ;o)

It's an arm thing...we all like to crawl up on the arms for snuggling. I'm a black and brown Phantom color.


At 2 days old I'm still curling in the fetal position staying warm in the temperature controlled room 78-80 degrees and heating pad underneath to keep me comfortable. We are not able to regulate our body temperature yet. The humidity must be kept around 55-60 percent so our skin doesn't dry out, as that isn't developed either.

I fit snuggly in the palm of Tes's hand :0) I am a brown Phantom color.

Above, puppies are 1 day old. Angel is tired yet loving her pups. We all 8 came from her tummy just yesterday!!! We're excited to come home to you :o) Ahhh, yes, snuggle, cuddle, look at us little tubbies at just a day old...


Angel had 8 puppies! Woo Hoo!!! Born 6/28/16 Below they are JUST arriving where I took their first picture to send off to you :o)

A x D Royal Standard Poodles 2016 Summer - see poodle coats

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