Red Standard Poodle Queen


Red Standard Poodle Queen is daughter to Enya x Dash (grandfather Red Daniel) bringing you some magnificent offspring to love! Tes will be breeding Queen to frozen Bruno semen while in Oregon creating some fabulous Royal ALL BLACK litters. Frozen semen with Bruno has produced 3-7 puppies a litter.

"A Perfect World" line from Tes, who's semi retired, plans to potentially finish the pups around 4-5 wks old with Kate Bauer in TX. Tes will plan to drive them to TX and stay there until Queen weans the pups, then bring her back to OR...potentially :o) Continuing to mentor Kate as long as she desires. Eventually taking over this website.

If you look at past dams with Bruno pups, you'll see the wonderful Royal offspring he has brought to us. Queen will help continue to bring customers the Royal size so enjoyed by many from her great momma dam Enya. 

Updated 8/25/24 (TI)

Remember to start at the bottom of the web page and scroll up to watch Red Standard Poodle Queen grow up onto the page when with Tes in Texas. Pictures are added upward as she grows. Tes always shaved the spoos down for the 100 degree heat. The red really shows up with her longer hair.

Red Standard Poodle Queen stats:

  • AKC & CKC registered (Dual citizenship ;o)
  • Weight 60 lbs
  • 01/28/22 PennHip Mild Risk
  • 01/27/22 Embark DNA Body Size: All indicators show inherited Large body size, no Intermediate alleles. This indicates the offspring characteristics will be Royal size puppies in mating to another similar Royal stud. 
  • 07/21/22 Embark DNA:
  • Queen has ALL large body size alleles that in mating to another mate matching her's the offspring will potentially grow to a Royal size. YET, Mother Nature has the last say. Standard Poodles every litter :o)
  • DM - one allele variant (degenerative myelopathy) with a clear stud mating NO carriers! Bruno is CLEAR!
  • Neonatal Encephalopathy w/Seizures (NEwS) - Clear
  • VWD Clear
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy - Clear
  • CLEAR on all Breed relevant conditions. 
  • Embark DNA Coat color: Queen carries Red EE color genes for throwing reds yet in breeding to Brown Bruno, Black becomes the dominant color, thus all BLACK pups will be born.
  • Enya x Dash are parents

Queen was sold to Darlene Michaud in Alberta, Canada with a Bruno daughter Georgesa. Darlene had Queen for several years and has decided to retire now. I didn't want to see Queen's line die out with beautiful Royal Apricot Mom Enya and Royal Black grandma Zeddy.


Look Mom - GREAT Teeth!


Growing up with Jaxxi now retired.


"Royal" is Kate's stud now who's been producing apricots, phantoms, and browns with different dams. Producing some GREAT offspring :o)


Always cuddling with friends makes life a HAPPY HAPPY home :o) You can see Queen's definite red with her longer hair. Every computer is different and will show different shades. 


Growing up with lots of fun, space to run and play, guidance from older spoos and Tes training and watching over us.


In shaving the spoos down I am able to watch them run or walk to observe their structure...very important to know if they need their chiropractic care in specific areas...or have slowed down which may have come from a picked up Lymes disease or anaplasmosis, both from tick parasites, or tumbling and bumbling with her fellow playmates. If you ever wonder about your pet having one of these, call me to ask questions of what to look for, what results might happen from medication, etc. 


Red Standard Poodle Queen
at home with Tes in Oregon

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