Royal Standard Poodles 

Here at Royal Standard Poodles .com Puppies For Sale, you'll find home raised, parent tested, structure evaluated, working for calmer personality. Always AKC, large to giant in size yet standards in every litter. Tes Ingebritson's line (TI) "A Perfect World" started in 2004. TI has ethical breeders working with her line on the side tabs for you as TI plans to retire in a few years. They will have large to giant Royal Standard Poodles from Bruno's line ranging from 45 to 90+ lbs from lineage. 

What is a perfect standard poodle in your world? Bruno (picture above) has become Royal Standard Poodles mascot and logo to help create what TI has in her offspring and line of Royal Standard Poodles. TI's first Brown dam Zain, had a 100 lb Red dad helping to create this incredible line. It's not uncommon for offspring to grow to 100+ lbs.

Service is like Black & White.

Hospitality is Color!

(author unknown)


Updates occur often, do come back to see what's going on :o) Due to the popularity of this website by viewers to glean knowledge to raise their standard poodles, we post "last updated" dates for you. Please check back on occasion to see what you might be able to learn of puppies or adults for sale. May you Observe what can work for A Perfect World with your spoo, whether here or from others :o)

Last updated 8/27/24



  • 2024 Puppies SOLD OUT! 
  • Taking down payments for 2025.

January 2025 estimated for homes? Christmas Presents? :o)  Tes mating Red "Queen" x Royal "Bruno" in Oregon - ALL Black litter (finishing with Kate in TX?)

Summer 2025 estimated for homes? Kate mating Royal Brown "Keiko" x Brown "Royal" - ALL Brown litter


Summer 2025 estimated for homes? Kate Mating Royal "Blaze" x Brown "Royal" - Brown and Black with Phantoms (Blaze web page being built)

  • Tes is building a new website for a Holistic Natural Health viewpoint or Standard Poodle advice? as she continues to mentor and help others in the poodle realm...stay tuned or give Tes a call at 



  • Kate Bauer (KB) TX will be keeping the Royal Bruno Brown line going for you and taking over this website. 
  • Canada Darlene Michaud Royal Brown, Black and Red program. Bruno line. Looking to retire in 2025?
  • Another Texan, Susan Rodriguez (website to come, linked here at side tabs), will be Royal Blacks from Royal mom & dad "Cairo" x "Holiday" in 2025 with Kate Bauer's stud "Royal" potentially

All collaborating to forward Royal Spoos of A Perfect World line for you.

So, Grand Caniche is French meaning Royal - they are AKC Standard Poodles - Royal Standard Poodles has become known and defined for larger then usual poodles - STRICTLY a marketing term. And now DNA can help those of us desiring to breed Royals (larger) to help create them, yet standards in every litter. 

AKC defines a Standard Poodle as "over 15" at the highest point of the shoulders," the withers. There is no cap on a standard poodle height. Most pups here, Standard Poodles will grow from 22" up to 31+" in the top 10%. Average for females will be at the whithers 24"+ (ave. wt. 55-70+ lbs) and males will be 27"+ (ave. wt. 70-90+ lbs).


Royal, Large, Standard; there's never a guarantee on size yet Larger is the focus - they're all AKC Standard Poodles!

Contact via Form FIRST - Thank You!
Dear People - KB or TI DOES NOT text message...MUCH. We invite you to look through the website, fill out the form found on side tabs at which we'll then respond and provide our email address for an interview.


AKC Web Banner

  Let us help you decide that perfect Royal Standard Poodle pet for you.

Do peruse the website to see if we may provide you with your next family pet. A $100 fee at the door is asked if you come to "check out" our spoos, it goes toward your purchase if one plans to visit without a "down payment." An appointment must be made.

Royal Standard Poodle Breeders collaborating and LIVING to LOVE them


Please don't let another breeder discredit a good Royal Standard Poodles program. Ask that individual/breeder what tests they are doing on their standard poodles, are they taking annual educational seminars to improve health and good breeding practices? Why are they nattering or murmuring against another? Fact; some of us do all testing and structure analysis as should be done by a breeder, assuring we provide the healthiest top quality pet for you and their future. If a breeder can't answer your questions on testing, move on and find a reputable breeder that will...if that is your desire. TI and mentoring breeders are getting education from AKC and other forums that are VITAL for their future and your future pet.

MANY of us LOVE our Royal Standard Poodle, larger than what is common in the show ring. TI finds they have a MUCH DIFFERENT character then most have to have/had one to experience this. TI has had both, and will always have a Royal Standard Poodle in her life. It is her joy and pleasure...and isn't that up to us as individuals what we want to enjoy; or breed? Not someone else telling us what we should/shouldn't have?? Those are the pleasures of life! Yet ALWAYS ask your questions, home raised, health tested, structure analyzed, registered, FULL tail and dew claws to keep tendons stable and strong, maintaining leg strength to help avoid torn leg ligaments.

We've heard the phrase "In a Perfect World"...In 2004 TI started in MN to create "A Perfect World" Royal Standard Poodle line. Testing parents to better the odds for "healthier" pets, observing and analyzing structure, research, research, time, time, it all takes time. The above MN picture some Standard Poodles come hopefully to be in the breeding program. Some don't make it due to her testing standards...some come, some go, some await travel for other countries...MONEY and time!

Dr. John B. Armstrong writes it well, "All dogs (and living organisms) are carriers of multiple mutations. If a genetic disease is produced in an animal, it is not necessarily the result of poor breeding practices, but is the nature of inheritance as a random event. There is no such thing as a perfect animal". (Mutt, Designer breed or Purebred)

The best a consumer can do is research who you would like to get your next pet from, asking breeders to test and work with one who health tests parents. THAT is looking out for the standard poodle's future so we have them there to enjoy in our future.

Royal Standard Poodles, Red, Apricot, Cream, Brown, Phantom, and Black

More on the term Royal (some redundancy): Many ask for the definition to this with my AKC Poodle Puppies for Sale. There are many viewpoints in the world of what designates a Royal. Most of TI's breeding poodles are, and their offspring, 90% all Royals due to years of research in watching their growth from the great customer support you'll see on the "Customer Poodle Pictures" tab to your left.

The one book that actually defines Royal - the dictionary - you'll find the word "regal". This exemplifies these poodles size and temperament to a T!

With the correct matings, TI and now KB grows the puppies "UP" in size 50% of the time. See each parent's data on "A Perfect World Parents - Tes, soon to be Kate" tabs on the left.

Check out the "Customer Poodles" tab for pictures and the "Tracking of ___" (their pet's growth if shared)! When the girls or boys are spayed/neutered, on average they grow taller instead of fuller when done 5-6 months of age (my contract must wait to 10-12 months). Their hormones, when done early, do not focus on filling out masculinely or working to become a dam. Instead the body continues to grow in another dimension :o) TI learned from her husband who part-time farmed (now deceased, cancer), one can see this in bulls vss steers.

Bull pasturing outside the Royal Standard Poodle parks...full, chesty hormones a flowing for that next girl ;o)

Steer having been neutered getting ready for market...lean, taller, hormones go to bone growth...

Some lookers ask to get a Royal Standard Poodle looking just like brown Bruno...I apologize sharing they will never look just like Bruno as the above occurs once neutered. Waiting up to a year certainly helps hormones develop for a healthier Royal Standard Poodles.


"Lickin' good time Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall!" This was when TI was breeding in MN, then invited and moved to TX, and now living in Oregon 2024 near family.


Walking the spoos with Cesar Millan's knowledge in being the Pack Leader. Okay, so TI wanted them ahead of her to take the picture ;o)

In 2016 TI was invited to move to TX by whom she will reference as "Hosts". After coming to do several talks in the Austin, TX area on the dog food research Spring 2016, TI checked out the area and said "Why Not!" October 2016 she picked up and moved to Texas from Minnesota to save her back and health from the cold snowy winters after her husband passed away in 2014 from cancer. TI moved in December 10, 2017 ready or not! Her NEXT journey close to family in Oregon has her creating a new website (link on side tab to come) and mentoring customers and breeders with alternative canine health methods. See side tabs to connect with chiropractic, essential oils and other products as cedar oil.


Will continue to add here, what would you like to see?

Artificial Insemination (AI); Semen is placed into the female's vagina or oviduct in order to achieve pregnancy through other ways than normal copulation. This is the medical alternative to sexual intercourse.

The White papers TI writes are to help take a look at the many situations put over her breeding years. TI has been an engineer, helped organize businesses in the past and in so doing have written white papers to take a look at situations and resolutions. Please take a look when you have questions, concerns, and see if they help you. Current white paper is on dog food under the Must Read tab.

Covid 19; Corona Virus Disease 2019

Dock; Tails are NO LONGER Docked by TI starting 2018. It was an old fallacy that if docking the tail before 3 months of age they would not get rabies. Tails help maintain structural balance to the canine. The fallacy has come and gone and no longer needs to be done. Docking is to surgically remove the tail or a portion of the tail; a docked tail; stumped tail. > Spoos tails are docked 1/3 from the tip to AKC standards of the breed.

DHA; Docosahexaenoic acid is an omega-3 fatty acid also known as Omega oil found in Fish, google and read on DHA to learn more for brain stimulation (thus dogs and some animals need) is essential for the growth and functional development of the brain in infants. DHA is also required for maintenance of normal brain function in adults. The inclusion of plentiful DHA in the diet improves learning ability, whereas deficiencies of DHA are associated with deficits in learning. DHA is taken up by the brain in preference to other fatty acids. The turnover of DHA in the brain is very fast, more so than is generally realized.

Further NOTE on this: LOL - TI has had customers come back to sharing TI has SMART poodles compared to a spoo they purchased in the past...Thank You GOOD dog food with DHA!!! DHA during the womb and their youth is essential in my viewpoint :0)

Dew claw; Unused digit (fifth toe) on the inside of both the front and rear legs. Dew claws; NO LONGER REMOVED starting 2018 by TI due to creating structural stability and strength for their future, usually removed at 2-3 days old. Poodles generally have dew claws on front paws only. Dew claw muscle is needed  removing them has created torn leg ligaments with pain then the rest of their life.

Harness; A combination of straps around the chest and back, attached to an animal to control him in walking. Avoiding collars while young training helps keep their atlas in alignment, from getting headaches, nippy and so much more. See #7. Chiropractic Pet Care side tab.

Kids; Often referred to ones' pets living with them :0)

Neuter; A male animal whose reproductive ability has been surgically altered. Males are neutered.

Omega oil; Fish oil, also related to DHA - see notes under DHA above.

Spay; Female whose ovaries have been surgically removed.

Spoo; Standard Poodle

Spring/Summer; Spring means months pups are born, /Summer means ready for homes

Summer/Fall; Summer means months pups are born, /Fall means ready for homes

Fall/Winter; Fall means months pups are born, /Winter means ready for homes

Winter/Spring; Winter means months pups are born, /Spring means ready for homes

White Paper; The content of a problem/solution white paper provides useful information for readers seeking to understand an issue, solve a problem, or do their jobs better. This can include explaining a certain product, service, technology or methodology.

Withers; First nine dorsal or thoracic vertebrae; bony projections of vertebrae in the vicinity of shoulder blades; highest point of the shoulders behind the neck.


1. "Royal Standard Poodles" is a marketing term and what TI named this website for "advertising" her large to giant size standard poodles. "A Perfect World" is the name of her standard poodle line.

2. We do NOT sell to anyone for cross "oodle" hybrid breeding! If you hear, or find out of someone who has one of A Perfect World line offspring and is being used for cross breeding PLEASE, Please, PLEASE get their information and contact TI at 737-932-5030 that she may contact them to cease and desist per their contract of spay/neuter. It is trust and respect that we sign contracts that are legally binding. Those very few who break that trust and respect must be corrected to get their ethics in, making A more Perfect World. Thank You to all who have gained that trust and respect by spay and neutering your pet from TI and mentoring breeders per contract. You have made A more Perfect World :o)

Copyright laws on images; TI and mentoring breeders will permit image use by their customers only.
